Wednesday, December 25, 2013


lol..baekhyun too excited..>.<

Asaslamualaikum...hey u'all..wats up gang??? hows today? arini miszm nak share something..
maybe ape yang miszm share ni berguna untuk budak2 sekolah yang takde idea nak buat karangan..
btw aper yang miszm nak share ni tak laa nak berape baik sangat..biase2 jep..
here we goooooo!!!!!! =)

 I could not sleep throughtout the night. I felt like the night was so different from the other night. The wind was so cool as cool as cucumber. So, I decided to go the living room and watched television since I could not sleep. The clock showed 3.00 a.m. I turned on the television and started searching for a channel. all the television programmes were not interesting to me but I continued watching it. i took snacks and orange juice while watching the television.

out of the blue, I saw a bright light behind my hpuse through the kitchen's window. My heart suddenly beat faster and I became nervous. I braved myself to look out what was that thing. there was nothing at the back of my house until I heard a soung from the forest not far from my house. I felt excited to know what happened and decided to go the forest. That night was too dark and I could not see anything so I brought a torchlight with me. On the way to the forest my mind could not stop thinking what was that thing. Was that a wild animal? Or maybe a UFO? I felt scared and focused on my way.

After reaching the forest, I started searching for a thing. I kept walking and walkingand then saw ahuge,gigantic ship just like a battleship just like in television. A word that came from my mouth after seeing that ship was 'unbelieveable'. I wanted to get closer with the ship so I decided to move forward little by little. Suddenly, there were two things which were human-like coming out from the ship. there were aliens! I turned off my torchlight so that the aliens could not detect the presence of myself.

I kept an eye of both aliens. They brought out a few boxes from the ship that made me so curious. I moved my steps forward towards the ship. The ship was 2-metres away from me. As I wanted to get closer to the ship, I took a wrong step because infront of me was a stick and I had stepped on it. One of the alien saw me and told the other one. both of them ran towards me. I felt scared and the only thing that I knew was to run as fast as possible from the aliens. Suddenly, I hit a stone and felt down to the ground. The aliens were still searching for me and they were running as fast as lightning and I became so dreadful. 'Help! Someone help me! Help!' I screamed as loud as i could for a help but no one heard me. I cried out loud.

'Susan, get up!' I heard my mom was calling my name. I felt frightened and woke up from sofa. I felt clueless and I knew that all of the aliens was a horrifying dream. My mom said that I slept at the living room while watching the television. I looked at the clock it was 7.00 a.m and I was already late for school. On the way to school, I kept thinking about the dream that i had last night. I felt relieved because the dream was not real.

fuuuhhhh!!! its done! hope essay ni membantu...gud luck! ^.^
okay got to go frenz..bye! 
bubbye! =]

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Assalamualikum semua!!! hello!  apa kobo? long time not see ya...miss me..??!! 'WHAT! NO!' awww so sad *sobsobsob* nevermind its oke..btw  miszm rindu dengan sume readers and followers miszm... and opkoz rindu giler2 dekat blog ni... 

herrmmm...amacam cuti sekolah...??? best kan! mane tak best nyer 1 bulan lebih tuuu..giler tak best!
miszm dah mula nak aktifkan diri dalam blog ni lepas dah setahun lebih blog ni terabai..huhu..
maklomlah bizi SPM kate nyer...miszm dah check! last post bulan ogos 2012...(O_O) !!!!!??!!
 dah lame giler kan..kan..

err...nak citer pasal SPM bole tak? bolehlaaa..bolehlaaa...bole ea..heheh..*gedikzzz =='*
oke! citer nyer macam ni...taon ni miszm amek spm..duduk kat asrama pulak that why laa lame tak update...seriously mase awal tahun macam takde rase nak amek pekse spm poonnnn...rilekzzz giler tahap gaban..cikgu cakap banyak kali sampai berbuih mulut cikgu pon kiteorang tak nak dengar...

"alaaaa...ada 10 bulan lagi kot" " esok aku nak study! oke! esok study yer....." esoknyer same jep nagn semalam.. "hw banyak sangat laa..tak sempat nak ulangkaji" "alaa..nanti study laaa"

common statement awal bulan sampai 1/2 bulan...dah 1/2 bulan tuu baru rase ada spirit siket.. mase trial ponnn oke..tapi result....huurmmmm...sedih TT_TT ... "takpe laaa..spm kan ade..spm buat betol2" ayat parents nak naikkan semangat...

mase spm tuu macam2 cabaran kene tanggung hadap..
cabaran utama -> TIDUR.. kat asrama mate ni pantang biarkan dia pejam lama2...mule laa nanti taknak bukak2..kadang2 tuu..tengah bace buku ponn tetibe jep dah sampai dreamland..taktau bila berlepas nyer... tengok2 dah ade peta kat buku tuu....hehehe... (>.<)

1st day pekse BM..exited giler weyh...tup..tup bukak soalan..hamek kooo....
WAT THE...................(O.o)??????
takpe2 usaha tangga kejayaan..*lap peluh* pfhuuuuuu =S
nest day pekse BI..Ya Allah..dugaan apakah yang kau berikan kepada hambamu ini...
hari tuu miszm tak sihat..tak boleh fokus langsung...1st 15min tak bole nak tulis pape pon.. then tulis pon jadi mcm ni jep.. example qwertyuiop examplexamplexample asdfghjkl example. example zxcvbnm ....asyik begaris2 day dah oke dah.... (^_^)

hari2 terakhir kat asrama miszm gunakan sebaik-baiknyer...heheh..gurau2 ngan kawan..snap pic banyak2.. posing sane sini tak ingat dunia...heheh...ade satu hari tuu..miszm lepak ngan buddyz miszm name nyer QILA a.k.a MRS. TORTOISE ....miszm dok sembang2 pasal sekolah lame..pastu miszm pon nyanyi laaa lagu sekolah lame miszm..
majulah putera dan puteri
smk bandar kota tinggi

dier pon bukan main laa nyanyi lagu sekolah lama dier.. tengah syok layan dier nyanyi..miszm pon rase hairan..macam penah dengo jep...dier pon teros berhenti nyanyi...miszm pandang dier tros nak tergelak.. dier nyanyi lagu maktab bukannyer lagu sekolah lame dier.. hahaha XDXD 

banyak kenangan manis and pahit yang masih segar kat dalam ingatan miszm..
haiihhh..rase rindu pulak kat dier orang.. sobsobsob .. (TT_TT)
eh! tak lupa jugak kat HATERS miszm...syg kau ketat2.. grr~~~

oke guysz! gtg now..nanti miszm post lagi k..tunggu tau.. heheh 
(^_<) wink~ (^.^) kiss siket chu~~ LOLOL XDXD
byebye! take k...

CORETAN : sory kalau ape yang miszm tulis ni buat korang annoying.. -_-